Anja Snellman


New Terrain Press/Jouni Harala

43 years, 27 novels

Anja Snellman celebrated her 40th anniversary as an author in 2021. Throughout her career, she has sought to expand the territory of literature. She also works as a therapist and journalist and continues to write poetry.

Her first work, Sonia O. Was Here, remains the highest-selling debut novel in the history of Finnish literature. More…


Author Anja Snellman celebrated her 70th birthday on May 23, 2024. “I feel quite ageless,” Snellman says. “I don’t know what I should be like as a seventy-year-old, and to be honest, I’m not that interested in knowing. I don’t think about age, not my own or that of others.” She thinks people should have “lifelong curiosity”:  a life story doesn’t need to be predictable. You can always change plans and direction. Continue >>

Once a day

I’m lying on warm, smooth, wave-worn rock near the water’s edge. The waves are waking up, stretching against the warm rock, yawning. I wake up. The sun is setting. Once a day I’m asleep; once a day I wake up. Once a day I’m sad. Once a day I long to see my daughters’ faces. Once a day I make love to my husband, and I fight with him once a day. I don’t know how to write just once a day. Continue >>

The fourth sister

Anton Chekhov wrote Three Sisters in 1900, and the play was first performed at the Moscow Art Theater in 1901. “Sometimes I look around and feel like the fourth sister. The one Chekhov feared a little. The one he could never figure out. The one he never wrote about. Today, in the checkout line at the grocery store, I heard someone say: a shallow abyss. I thought of Olga, Masha, and Irina,” writes Anja Snellman. Continue >>

Gracefully alert

What do artist Susanna Kaapu and Anja Snellman have in common? A fascination with deer, to begin with: their graceful alertness, constant vigilance, and instinctive readiness to react in less than a heartbeat. Like Snellman, Kaapu is a highly sensitive person. “Through deer, I can best express my sensitivity and longing for a comforting, gentle gaze. I’m easily scared, yet cautiously curious about the world.” Continue >>

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